Monday, July 9, 2012

Portable stage or mobile stage

Stageline Mobile Stage Inc. is the leading designer and manufacturer of mobile stage, mobile staging, trailer stage, portable stage, mobile space & mobile. Stageline SL100 mobile stage. The only all-aluminium mobile unit featuring a fully hydraulic stage set-up. This ultra portable stage offers a total rigging capacity . Features of the new Stageline SL260 mobile stage that stems from the success of the world ... Mobile Stage, Mobile Staging, Trailer Stage & Portable Stages. SL50 Portable Stage | 20' x 16' (6m x 5m). Stageline SL50 Mobile Stage. Stageline introduces the new SL50 mobile stage trailer. The all-aluminium mobile. manufactures portable stage equipment and mobile stage for theaters, universities, stadiums, and arenas. Convenient and easy to set up stages imported and distributed. Custom stage solutions available for sale or hire. Owning your own mobile stage has some very distinct advantages. ... Your OutFront Portable Solutions Mobile Stage may also be rented out to others to. IntelliStage Portable Stage Systems. modular, collapsible, lightweight platform and riser systems. ... Intelistage portable stage . School Outfitters—Find deals on portable stages and mobile stages from Midwest , NPS & Southern Aluminum. Save on portable stages, folding mobile stages.

 Portable stage or mobile stage

Stageline Mobile Stage Inc. is the leading designer and manufacturer of mobile stage, mobile staging, trailer stage, portable stage, mobile space & mobile. Stageline SL100 mobile stage. The only all-aluminium mobile unit featuring a fully hydraulic stage set-up. This ultra portable stage offers a total rigging capacity . Features of the new Stageline SL260 mobile stage that stems from the success of the world ... Mobile Stage, Mobile Staging, Trailer Stage & Portable Stages. SL50 Portable Stage | 20' x 16' (6m x 5m). Stageline SL50 Mobile Stage. Stageline introduces the new SL50 mobile stage trailer. The all-aluminium mobile. manufactures portable stage equipment and mobile stage for theaters, universities, stadiums, and arenas. Convenient and easy to set up stages imported and distributed. Custom stage solutions available for sale or hire. Owning your own mobile stage has some very distinct advantages. ... Your OutFront Portable Solutions Mobile Stage may also be rented out to others to. IntelliStage Portable Stage Systems. modular, collapsible, lightweight platform and riser systems. ... Intelistage portable stage . School Outfitters—Find deals on portable stages and mobile stages from Midwest , NPS & Southern Aluminum. Save on portable stages, folding mobile stages.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

some facts

  • All organisms are composed of units called cells.
  • All cells are surrounded by a partially permeable memberane that controls exchange between the cell and its environment.
  • The cells of animals and plants are compartmentalised and contain many similar structures : plasma memberane; cytoplasm containing mitochondria, endoplasmic  recticulam (ER) , lysosomes and ribosomes; and a nucleus with a nucleolus and chromatin.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


1. Word "Science" derives from Latin word scientia meaning knowledge.
2. Human need approximately 12 hours in order to entirely digest the food.
3. Brain cells are the longest living cells in our body, they can last for an entire lifetime.
4. Some human brains are bigger than other and the biggest human brain weighed 2,3 kg.
5. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with surface temperature above 450 C.
6. If we are to believe scientists there are approximately 50,000,000,000 galaxies "out there".
7. Sound travels 4 times faster in water than in air.
8. One of the most accidental discoveries was the one of microwave. This discovery happened after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
9. Kissing or shaking hands? In terms of germs be aware that more germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.
10. Our moon is extremely dry, it is for instance one million times drier than the infamous Gobi Desert.
11. The highest recorded temperature on Earth was measured in Libya in 1922, and it was 58°C.
12. The lowest recorded temperature on our planet was -89.6°C. This was measured in Antarctica in 1983.
13. Not all animals on our planet have brains, for instance starfish do not have brains.
14. Kangaroos are lacking ability to walk backwards.
15. Eyes always remain same in size since the time we are born and till the moment we die, unlike our ears and nose that are constantly growing throughout our life.
16. Only humans have ability to sleep on their backs.
17. Our brain isn't much different than the rest of our body in terms of water since 80 % of our brain is water.
18. Our brain for proper functioning needs about quarter of total oxygen used by our body.
19. Crocodiles are not only swallowing unlucky victims but also the stones in order to help them dive deeper.
20. While cancer is perhaps the greatest disease of humanity, sharks do not have this problem as they are totally immune to cancer.
21. Surprisingly enough little mosquito has 47 teeth.
22. Ants are so hardworking that they even do not sleep.
23. In terms of rapid procreation rats lead the way since two rats can have after year and the half more than 1 million descendants.
24. Our fingernails are growing much faster than our toenails, about 4 times faster.
25. Talking about the hot stuff - The highest temperature produced in a laboratory was 920,000,000 F (511,000,000 C) at the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor in Princeton, NJ, USA.
26. Hurricanes cause havoc which is really no surprise since a typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent to 8,000 one megaton bombs.
27. Polar bears may look slow and fat, but they are in real life far from it since they can run at 25 miles an hour and jump over 6 feet in the air.
28. Mosquitoes like women more than men since they very much like smell of estrogen.
29. In case you have ever wondered why giraffes are such a quiet animals it is because they have no vocal chords to make any noise.
30. Interesting enough, Earth is the only planet in our solar system that hasn't been named after some Roman or Greek god.
31. Year is not always longer time period than a day. Mercury for instance has one day on the planet twice as long as one year. This is because Mercury rotates very slowly but revolves around the Sun in slightly less than 88 days.
32. Our Sun may be gigantic but it still loses 360 million tonnes of material each day.
33. In case you want to be taller than the perfect profession for you is astronaut since astronauts can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space.This happens because the cartilage disks in the spine expand in the absence of gravity.
34. In case you ever wonder how much does a gallon of water weighs the answer is 8.34 pounds (3.8kg).
35. Though many would say otherwise hot water freezes quicker than the cold water.
36. Albert Einstein had speech difficulties in early age.
37. Lions are excellent hunters especially when you consider that they usually hunt in coordinated groups and stalk their chosen prey.
38. Methane is extremely potent greenhouse gas and cows are among the largest methane emitters with each domestic cow emitting about 105 pounds of methane a year.
39. So far scientists have discovered over 20 planets outside our solar system.
40. Spacecrafts are extremely fast, with fastest one going to 40,000 mph.
41. Can you live without you head? Well if you are a cockroach you can manage somewhere around 9 days or so.
42. So how alike are humans and chimps? Well if you consider that we share 98.4% of our DNA you could say a very lot, though on other hand we do share 70% of our DNA with a slug.
43. Human fetuses are in fact great fans of rock music since they react to loud rock music by kicking, or does this mean that they hate rock?
44. Average male brain is larger than average female brain (1,4 kg to 1,25 kg).
45. Humans are not the only creatures on Earth that cry, elephants are crying creatures too.
46. Polar bears would make perfect thieves since they cannot be detected by infrared cameras because of their transparent fur.
47. Rats are really fast lovers, especially desert rats that can copulate 122 times an hour.
48. Lefties are really in minority since 88% of all humans are right handed.
49. Smelly feet are likely to get you in more trouble with mosquitoes since they prefer people with smelly feet.
50. Snails are definitely among the sleepiest animals as they can sleep for three years.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Science Facts

                                  True Science Facts

10064566.Jpg1. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails
2. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people
3. If you rub an onion on your foot – within 30 – 60 minutes you will be able to taste it – this is because it travels through the blood stream
4. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath (if you hold it until you go unconscious, you begin to breath normally as soon as you do)
5. On one square inch of human skin there are 20 million microscopic creatures
6. Armadillos are the only creatures apart from men that can catch leprosy – there are known cases of armadillo to human transfers of the disease
Armadillo7. A snail can sleep for 3 – 4 years – during which period it does not need food

8. Giraffes can live longer without water than camels
9. The songs of humpback whales can change dramatically from year to year, yet each whale in an oceanwide population always sings the same song as the others
10. The forces required to remove a foot from quicksand at a speed of one centimeter per second would require the same amount of force as “that needed to lift a medium-sized car.”

11. To test if a pearl is real, you can rub vinegar on it – the composition of the pearl will cause it to bubble furiously
12. Goldfish kept in a dark room turn much paler – and if it wasn’t for the color in the food they eat, they would turn completely white
13. Unlike normal bees, the Queen bee’s stinger is not barbed and can be used repeatedly without harming her
Quicksand14. Quicksand doesn’t directly kill humans as it is usually not very deep at all – it is the fact that it can be incredibly difficult to remove yourself from quicksand that causes death by the environment – such as exposure.
15. Oysters can change between being female or male
16. Men are over 30% stronger than women on average, especially in the upper body, and men’s brains are heavier than women’s .